16 research outputs found

    Gender Differences in the Intergenerational Earnings Mobility of Second-Generation Migrants

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    This study analyzes gender diff erences in the intergenerational earnings mobility of second-generation migrants in Germany. The analysis takes into account potential infl uences like assortative mating in the form of ethnic marriages and the parental integration measured by parents’ years since migration. First, intergenerational earnings elasticities are estimated at the mean and along the earnings distribution. The results do not reveal large diff erences in the intergenerational mobility – neither between natives and migrants nor between men and women. Second, intergenerational changes in the relative earnings position are analyzed. The results show that migrants are less likely than natives to worsen their relative earnings position while they have the same probability as natives to improve their earnings position. In summary, migrants are mostly as (im)mobile as the native population.International migration; second-generation migrants; intergenerational mobility; marriage

    Labor Market Effects of Immigration: Evidence from Neighborhood Data

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    This paper combines individual-level data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) with economic and demographic postcode-level data from administrative records to analyze the effects of immigration on wages and unemployment probabilities of high- an

    Labor Market Effects of Immigration: Evidence from Neighborhood Data

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    This paper combines individual-level data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) with economic and demographic postcode-level data from administrative records to analyze the effects of immigration on wages and unemployment probabilities of high- and low-skilled natives. Employing an instrumental variable strategy and utilizing the variation in the population share of foreigners across regions and time, we find no support for the hypothesis of adverse labor market effects of immigration.international migration, effects of immigration

    Labor Market Effects of Immigration: Evidence from Neighborhood Data

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    This paper combines individual-level data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) with economic and demographic postcode-level data from administrative records to analyze the effects of immigration on wages and unemployment probabilities of high- and low-skilled natives. Employing an instrumental variable strategy and utilizing the variation in the population share of foreigners across regions and time, we find no support for the hypothesis of adverse labor market effects of immigration.

    Labor Market Effects of Immigration – Evidence from Neighborhood Data

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    This paper combines individual-level data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) with economic and demographic postcode-level data from administrative records to analyze the effects of immigration on wages and unemployment probabilities of high- and low-skilled natives. Employing an instrumental variable strategy and utilizing the variation in the population share of foreigners across regions and time, we find no support for the hypothesis of adverse labor market effects of immigration.International migration; effects of immigration

    Evaluation der modernisierten M+E-Berufe

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    Die "EVA-M+E-Studie" widmet sich der Frage, wie die Veränderungen der Teilnovellierung im Jahr 2018 bei den Metall- und Elektroberufen sowie dem/der Mechatroniker/-in in der Ausbildungspraxis angekommen sind, welche Effekte sie auslösen und welche Hemmnisse bestehen. Die Studie zeigt auf, welche Qualifikationsprofile in den Unternehmen für die Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0 notwendig sind und welche Kompetenzanforderungen mit diesen verbunden sind. Über eine Auswertung des Ist-Zustands hinaus wirft die Studie auch einen Blick in die Zukunft und prüft, inwiefern weitergehender Entwicklungsbedarf für die Berufsbildgestaltung und Ausbildungspraxis besteht und welche Handlungsempfehlungen sich für die zukünftige Gestaltung der M+E-Berufsbildung ableiten lassen